Likolo tse ling tsa Thupelo
Lithuto tsa cyber
Lithupelo li fanoa ka sehlopheng le marang-rang (lithuto tsa marang-rang li ntse li ka nts'etsopele):
Kampo ea Boot ea Cyber, e itokisetsa tlhaselo (thupelo ea matsatsi a 3)
MITER ATT & CK Foreiset Framework (thupelo ea matsatsi a 1)
Ho sebetsana le liketsahalo tse tsoetseng pele (thupelo ea matsatsi a 5)
Thupelo ea Liketsahalo (thupelo ea matsatsi a 1)
Ho ngola ka botekgeniki bakeng sa ba sebetsanang le liketsahalo (thupelo ea letsatsi le le leng)
Mekhoa ea ho itšireletsa ea Cyber Attack (thupelo ea matsatsi a 2)
Mekhoa e khopisang ea cyber Attack (thupelo ea matsatsi a 2)
Mekhoa ea Kabo (thupelo ea matsatsi a 1)
Ho qoba Mekhoa ea Kabo (Thupelo ea letsatsi le le leng)
Ho khetholla limmapa tsa tsela ea Tsebo ea cyber bakeng sa basebetsi (thupelo ea letsatsi le le leng)
Ho theha boikoetliso ba ts'ebetso ea ho etsisa ea cyber Attack (thupelo ea matsatsi a 3)
Tlhokomeliso ea cyber bakeng sa BATHO bohle (lihora tse 1.5)
Ho tsamaisa le ho tsamaisa lisebelisoa tsa taolo ea liketsahalo (thupelo ea matsatsi a 2)
Ho sebelisa lithulusi tsa taolo ea ho ba tlokotsing le ho kenella. (Thupelo ea matsatsi a 3)
Koetliso ea ka hare ea ts'okelo (thupelo ea matsatsi a 3)
Computer Forensics (thupelo ea matsatsi a 3)
Ho utloisisa NIST le Moralo oa ISO le Boits'oaro ba Cyber
Likolo tse ling tsa Theknoloji ea Boitsebiso
Cyber 365 ke setho sa The Answer ke E, setho sa rona sa Arlaine se thehile lithuto tse ling tsa IT tseo re li khothalletsang:
Lithuto tse ling
Cyber 365 ke setho sa The Answer is Yes, sehlopha sa litsebi tsa litaba tse fanang ka koetliso ea marang-rang le sefahleho sefahleho bakeng sa likhoebo. Ka hona, eng kapa eng eo o e hlokang tseleng ea thupelo, cyber 365 e ka fana ka eona.